
A First Grade Ending

   Posted by: Teacher Ruth   in News Updates

**Due to issues getting pictures to upload and assimilate into the blogging program that I am using, this update from August 2016 has been -extremely- delayed. Please enjoy some pictures from the summer as I write an update post with more current pictures and news.**

Hey there, friend! Welcome back to a new school year! A friend just dropped off some iced green tea. Won’t you join me for a cup and a chat?

As I look over previous blog entries, I feel embarrassed that it has taken me so long to sit down and write this one. There were many nights when I was coming home from class and thinking about accomplishments my students made or cute comments that were said and I thought, “I need to write tonight! I want everyone to hear about this!” Inevitably I would get home, grab a quick dinner, and go to bed. For this lack of discipline on my part, I apologize. Due to this laziness, I have not let you share in the beautiful journey I have been privy to in my classroom. 🙁

To summarize the last few months in a handful of words –
– busy – sweet – full of growth – love – fruits of the Spirit – gifting of Bibles (for most this was their first Bible!) – learning about healthy eating, fruits, veggies, energy, etc. – learning to be respectful, how to be a good friend, sharing, and being more like Jesus.

Of course there were hundreds more things that went on, were learned, and were discovered by all. One thing that I would like to share with you is one of those things I thought about on my drive home from work but never got around to writing. The dynamic of our class is quite unique as each student is fairly close to all the members of the class. Although they squabble and argue, they encourage, play, and support one another. I think that a large contribution to this friendly attitude is that the natural born leader of our class is a strong developing Christian. His parents spend a lot of time instilling Biblical knowledge, love for others, and the importance of sharing Jesus with others. “Joe”, the leader, is giving, kind, inclusive, and cheerful. As the other students look up to him, our class as a whole exhibits these characteristics. During the last PTA (parent teacher meeting) we discovered that the Cubby leader had shared with his parents a desire to pray for and to invite his friend “Art” to church. Art comes from a broken family and has a deep disdain for most male figures in his life. My co-teacher learned that this extended to God (whom this child could sometimes be heard scoffing and rejecting). My co-teacher, Joe’s parents, and myself were shocked and excited to hear of Joe’s desire to bring his friend to church! We prayed right then and expressed our excitement to see what would happen. Not a week after this meeting, I learned that this brave Cubby invited Art to church…and he went! These two Cubbies are close friends and sometimes go to church together now. We will continue to pray for these two Cubbies – for the leader to continue to grow in his relationship with Christ, to continue to live his faith boldly and wholeheartedly and for the friend to keep attending church, to grow to know and love Jesus, and to accept Him. Please keep them in your prayers!

When I neglect this blog for a long time, I have loads of pictures that pile up on my phone. As such, I will share some snippets into the past four months with pictures!

Our first grade classroom:

Our writing and drawing talents are becoming clearer:


Flexing those phonics muscles to sound out, “May I play?”











Our playful behaviors are still intact during field trips!

We’ve learned about the fruits of the Spirit and enjoy singing about them!


This, my friends, is the last post about the Polar Bear class’ first year as ESL students! The next post will bring you up to date on their continuing adventures in second grade.

May God bless you and keep you,
Teacher Ruth

This entry was posted on Sunday, February 5th, 2017 at 11:33 and is filed under News Updates. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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